This file contains Edit Menu, Font Menu, Style Menu and Size Menu classes which are templates for fully-functional menus that you can simply plug into your program. The Font, Style and Size menus change the font, style or size of the selected text. The checks in these menus are updated to reflect the currently selected text whenever the user clicks on the menu bar. The entries in the Size menu are drawn in outline style if a screen version of the current font is available in that size; otherwise the size is drawn in Plain style. The Font menu is initialised at startup to contain a list of all available fonts on the system the program is currently running on.
The Edit Menu contains Cut, Copy, Paste and Clear items which operate in the usual way. They are also updated to reflect the current selection whenever the user clicks on the menu bar. The Paste item is enabled if there is data of type 'TEXT' on the clipboard. The Cut, Copy and Clear items are enabled if one or more characters is selected in the text.
How to Use in Your Program
Selectively load the Edit Menu, Font Menu, Style Menu and Size Menu classes; then go into the application editor, choose the Menus radio button, and create a New Instance of each menu and add it to the active list. In your Initial method, add a call to "Font Menu/set font menu" so that the font menu will always be filled with the list of fonts installed on the machine your application is running on. In the Update Menus method of class Application, add calls to "Edit Menu/update menu" and "Text Style Menus/update menus".